Third-Party Cyber Risk Management

Portfolio Risk Findings

Gain context into the magnitude of your security gaps.

Portfolio Risk Findings enables you to view your entire third-party portfolio against your preferred framework to understand which vendors are the riskiest and which vendors share unmet controls, so you can make proactive decisions.

Global Risk Exchange Dashboard

Know what security risks will cause you the most harm.

Use attested assessments, predictive risk data, and threat profiles to rank your most vulnerable vendors. Refine your view further by filtering based on inherent risk, industry, data type, and tags.

Vulnerable vendors identified with third party portfolio management software using predictive data & attested assessments

Identify where compliance gaps exist and to what extent.

Need to know which third parties don’t meet regulatory requirements across your entire portfolio? Apply the framework of your choosing to surface the vendors who need further follow-up plus see the most common unmet controls.

ProcessUnity's vendors portfolio management system​ identifies compliance gaps accross entire third-party portfolios

Develop actionable remediation steps.

Knowing where to start when assessing your third-party risks can be overwhelming. Having a portfolio-wide overview allows you to identify, measure, prioritize, and address the risks across your entire ecosystem.

Graph showing third party risk portfolio providing an overview to identify, measure, prioritize, and address the risks

Transform your security program into proactive risk management.

Portfolio Risk Findings is the only tool on the market that lets you: 

•  View your entire third-party portfolio all at once
•  Get granular with your risk identification
•  Isolate deficient and vulnerable vendors
•  Know control gap specifics
•  Plan appropriately

Only Portfolio Risk Findings provides advanced cyber risk intelligence, so you can make decisions with confidence.

Three Steps to Get Started:

  1. Upload your list of third parties into our Exchange.
  2. Discover your blindspots.
  3. Manage your third-party cyber risk confidently.

The Global Risk Exchange (formerly CyberGRX) is an innovative platform designed to transform the way organizations manage third-party risk. Schedule your personalized demo of our award-winning software and start your journey today!

Request a Demo: ProcessUnity's Global Risk Exchange
