Third-Party Cyber Risk Management
Predictive Risk Profiles
Through the power of machine learning and Cyber Risk Intelligence, Predictive Risk Profiles help you make faster, more informed decisions about your third parties.

Quickly Prioritize & Remediate Your Most Critical Cyber Risks
This revolutionary technology anticipates how a given third party will answer each question on our proprietary assessment based on firmographics, outside-in data, and similar completed assessments on our Exchange with up to a 91% accuracy rate.
Customer Benefits
- Receive immediate access to a comprehensive and actionable Predictive Risk Profile for each third party as well as your entire portfolio level
- Spend valuable time and resources analyzing data and remediating risks discovered rather than chasing assessments
- Prioritize your critical and high risks by using Predictive Risk Profiles, Attack Scenario Analytics and threat profiles based on real-world cyber events
- Engage with your own Predictive Risk Profile to better manage your cyber risk reputation as a third party to your own customers
Third-Party Benefits
- Provide immediate risk insights results to customers, allowing for prioritization of requests for self-attested assessments
- Use the standardized Global Risk assessment to enrich your Predictive Risk Profile and allow customers to see both predicted and self-attested results in one place
- Share your Global Risk assessment with other requesters to save time and resources in responding to multiple requests
- Use the ProcessUnity Framework Mapper to better understand control gaps and ProcessUnity threat profiles to compare vulnerabilities to exploits used in real-life cyber attacks
Predictive Risk Profiles Revolutionize Third-Party Cyber Risk Management
For those engaging with third parties, now you can analyze vulnerabilities immediately upon entering third parties in your portfolio, allowing you to make informed decisions about where to prioritize your risk management resources.
For the third parties, Predictive Risk Profiles can be used as a bridge to help their customers make decisions whole they prioritize requests with critical resources.
Request a Demo: ProcessUnity's Global Risk Exchange
The Global Risk Exchange (formerly CyberGRX) is an innovative platform designed to transform the way organizations manage third-party risk. Schedule your personalized demo of our award-winning software and start your journey today!
Request a Demo: ProcessUnity's Global Risk Exchange